Pastor's Page
Greetings! My name is Jeff Graham. I was saved in 1969 after attending Vacation Bible School in St. Paul, MN. God spent the next 50 years preparing me for ministry. I was ordained in 2019, and became the pastor of The Place in the Desert in 2021. I was married to Lorraine in 1988, and we have been blessed with four kids and five grandchildren (so far). I have learned to never say never; all things are possible with God. My favorite verse is John 10: 10. Jesus says "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly."
Our church's Facebook page can be found here https://www.facebook.com/thePlaceintheDesert/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel.
Our email link is ThePlaceintheDesert@gmail.com. Feel free to email me any questions or thoughts and I will answer as I am able.